May 20, 2020
Next week is Memorial Day and this day will be quite different. The unofficial start of the summer is marked by travel, celebrations, shopping, and recreational activities. Because of the Covid 19 virus, all of these activities will be curtailed. They will happen to some extent but it will not be the same.
For me, I have always considered Memorial Day as a day to remember those who gave their lives preserving our freedom and way of life. I learned early that freedom has its price as I grew up with a father who fought in World War II. I joined the Army Reserves when I was much younger and had a taste of the military life. I have been to Normandy and to other countries for their Memorial Days. We would not be the country we are today, even with our problems, without those who did not think twice about putting themselves in the line of fire to protect our country.
Listening to the politicians, critics, entertainers, and protesters, I wonder who today would give up their lives to protect our country. Who would go into harm’s way when asked to protect our country? Plenty of men and women do and unfortunately, many come back maimed and harmed. We must take care of them and honor them for what they gave up for us.
So, on this Memorial Day, pause to think about the lifestyle we have and who made it possible. Think of those who fought and never made it back and those who did with PTSD. Give thanks for all those who paid the ultimate price.
Would you possibly give up your life if called upon by our country?
This year, let’s honor those who have.