
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is a one-on-one meeting between a client and a therapist. At times, it may include others such as family members but the focus is on the client. The purpose of individual therapy is to assist the client in identifying thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are self-defeating or overwhelming. Through didactic discussion and the learning of new skills, the client acquires problem solving skills and enhanced coping skills. It can be described as a process of becoming conscious of how one functions which leads to enhanced self-growth. Through therapy, people can better understand themselves in order to cope with the demands of their daily lives.
Since the start of the pandemic, we have been offering telehealth services. Telehealth is the use of technology to remotely communicate with our therapists who will provide you with psychological care. This can include computers, mobile devices, tablets, and smartphones. In most cases, it is technology that you use from your home or office.
You will be able to see and talk with a therapist over a virtual platform. Or if you prefer, you can also speak with your therapist over the phone. At this time, we can see patients who reside in the State of Florida.
An appointment can be scheduled by calling Jillian at 954 755-2885.

Substance Abuse Services
Substance use disorders are becoming ever more present in today’s society. They are potentially lethal conditions requiring a multidimensional approach to treatment. Treatment often entails psychotherapy and the appropriate use of medications to treat any underlying mental health conditions that may be made worse or masked by substance use. Outpatient approaches to treating substance use disorders can be effective and it is not always necessary to go the traditional route of inpatient treatment.
Group Therapy
Group therapy includes a small group of carefully selected clients that meet with a therapist for about 60 to 90 minutes on a regular basis. The goals of group therapy are to support each client in their emotional growth and problem solving. Hearing from others about their problems and how they have tried to solve them causes the client to think about their own problems in different ways. It also allows for the client to feel a sense of achievement when they are able to help others in their group. The support from a close group allows clients to believe that they are not alone and that others care about them. Group therapy also allows for clients to belong, feel accepted, and feel approved of. The power of the group can empower the client.

Family Therapy
Family therapy includes all members of a family and sometimes, an extended family. The family meets with the therapist to identify and resolve problems that interfere with the functioning of the family and are disruptive to the home environment. In family therapy, the family is the identified patient and problems are resolved by changing the way the family system functions not by changing a specific family member. The goals of family therapy include improving communication, learning family problem solving skills, developing and maintaining respect for all family members, and creating a supportive home environment.
Couples Counseling
Couples counseling is often referred to as marriage counseling or marital therapy. It includes both members of a couple meeting together with a therapist once a week to identify and learn how to resolve problems that effects the couple’s functioning. The identified patient is the couple’s relationship. The goals of couples counseling are to improve communication and learn how to solve conflicts together. Couples often seek counseling because of frequent arguing, feelings of distance or emptiness in the relationship, resentment from a lack of interest and affection in their partner, and not feeling listened to or able to speak up in a discussion.

Psychological Testing
Psychological testing is a complex process of evaluating an individual in order to obtain an understanding of how they uniquely function. Using interviews and a comprehensive battery of tests, information is obtained and integrated. The psychological testing will determine whether a person has any specific diagnosis that may manifest in learning, emotional, personality or relationship problems. Based on the results of the testing, recommendations can be made to determine a treatment plan, seek accommodations at school and work, assist in medication planning, and identify the best placement at school or work.
- Intelligence to determine intellectual ability and gifted placement in school
- Learning disabilities to identify any specific learning problems
- AD/HD to identify whether a person has Attention Deficit Disorder
- Accommodations testings to identify whether an individual meets the criteria for modifications in school and on standardized tests
- Memory functioning to determine whether there are any memory impairments
- Personality assessment to identify emotional and personality patterns of an individual and to provide/validate a mental health diagnosis

What is Coaching?
Coaching is a field that encompasses a variety of niches including but not limited to executive, business, career, relationship, wellness, health, transformational, and life coaching. Coaching is not therapy, consulting, or giving advice. There are no treatment plans. Instead, coaching provides for a partnership between the coach and the client so that the client can identify goals, make forward progress toward achieving those goals, and create shifts in perspective to achieve a more satisfying and enjoyable life. The coach is there to be supportive and collaborative with the client.
The International Coaching Federation, which is the world’s leading global organization of professionally trained coaches, defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” Coaching works because answers are already within the client. The coach’s responsibility is to create a safe, comfortable, and non-judgmental space for the client, so that the client can think, explore, and access the answers. The coach and the client must be able to trust each other.
Another responsibility of the coach is to ask thought-provoking and challenging questions of the client to get the client thinking. The coach shows no attachment to the client’s outcome. The client’s responsibility is to come up with goals and be committed to doing the hard work that brought them to coaching. The client may experience discomfort, emotions, and vulnerability during the coaching process and the coach is there to support and provide an environment where the client can feel comfortable creating new self-awareness and making shifts and changes in behavior.
The coach and client work in partnership with each other to advance the client’s agenda. There is no hierarchy. The true goal of coaching is for the client to tap into and achieve their unlimited potential.
Relax with Mrs. Flax
Welcome to Mrs. Flax’s Bitmoji office! Feel free to click around my beach club where every object brings you to ad-free links for strategies that teach emotional understanding, regulation and management. Children, adolescents and teens have all responded well to these experiences. During our sessions, these are supported by multi-sensory activities through art, music, and games that reinforce the lessons and give your child time to practice in situations that are unique to them. Check back periodically for new links and feel free to call the office at 954-755-2885 if you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment for your school-aged child.