Digitize the 60+ movies

October 20, 2019

Recently, I decided to digitize the 60+ movies that I took when I was younger and before there were video cameras. I promised myself that I would do this at some time and it was now the time. I sent several off to a digitization company and was stunned with what I saw once I received them. Memories of past events that were long forgotten sprung to life. People who had been instrumental early in my life and who are now gone popped up on the video screen. With them were many, many memories.
My family had the opportunity to see my parents and relatives who they never met and really didn’t know anything about. They had the opportunity to see my wedding and both myself and their mother when we were virtually kids. It did bring some sadness to see those who have passed in the prime of their lives yet at least they could see them. It also brought to life places that I have been to and long forgotten but told my children about. I realized more about myself looking at who I was. I am now looking forward to receiving more videos of movies from the past. I strongly recommend that if you have movies and have contemplated digitizing them, do not wait. The rewards are invaluable.