May 22, 2024 – Enjoying the Summer!

Relaxing during Summer

This weekend marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season. While it has been unbearably hot here in South Florida, there are many ways to enjoy the summer with proper planning.

It is important to remember that the summer can also bring on many health problems, so it is important to stay hydrated and cognizant of sun stroke, sunburn, overexertion, and other already existing health concerns.

I always look forward to the summer. It offers the perfect opportunity to take a break from work, school, and other demands. It is a time to enjoy much-needed relaxation. Whether you are traveling, taking a beach vacation, or just relaxing, there are many enjoyable pastimes.

In the case that you need more motivation, know that the fields of neurology and psychoneuroimmunology are increasingly demonstrating how pleasure affects the health and longevity of the human body. A certain amount of unbridled enjoyment is actually good for you.

The first step to having more fun with summer activities is carving out time for it. Make weekends enjoyable by setting good boundaries. Turn off emails on Friday afternoon and leave it off until Monday morning. Consciously dedicate at least an hour on a weekend day to ditching your smartphone. Say “no” to some time-draining requests that can wait.

From my own experience, here are just 5 ways to make the most of the summer:

1. Be a Tourist in Your Own Community. Explore local landmarks, parks, nature preserves and museums.

2. Rediscover Your Yard. Spend time outdoors in your own backyard. Set up a hammock, have a barbecue, or plant a garden. Enjoy the fresh air and the feeling of grass beneath your feet.

3. Make a Splash. Swim in a pool or at the beach. Float on a raft or just jump the waves at the beach.

4. Learn Something New. Take a cooking, art, or pottery class. Try painting or playing a musical instrument. Learn a new language.

5. Allow Yourself to be Lazy. Give yourself permission to relax. Read that mystery novel, lie in a hammock, watch the clouds go by, or just do nothing.

Summer will be here and then Fall. Make the most of this time to relax and have fun. Let me know what you plan to do to enjoy the summer. Email me at [email protected] .