June 21, 2024 – Mindful Eating!

Mindful Eating

I am a frequent student of articles and videos to improve your health, especially as I get older. Recently I watched a video about Mindful Eating which got me to think about my own eating habits. Often, I eat very quickly between patients without focusing on the taste or smell of food.

I quickly realized that this was a bad and unhealthy habit which I needed to change. So, I did some more research on mindful eating and committed myself to changing my eating habits.

Mindful eating is being fully attentive to the food you are consuming. It is eating consciously using all five of your senses. It is putting aside all distractions and focusing on what the food looks like, smells like, feels like, tastes like, and does it make any sounds? (Yes, it can be crunchy or crispy).

It is also being aware of your own responses. How do you feel? Are you still eating even though you are full? Were you taught to eat everything on your plate before you leave the dinner table? Are you eating out of depression or anxiety? Is having ice cream at night an unnecessary habit?

So, I decided to make the following changes and will do my best to keep to this plan:
        • Look at the food and notice its shape, color, and texture
        • Inhale the smell and enjoy the aroma
        • Take a bite and focus on all the tastes and textures
        • Chew the entire bite before swallowing
        • Attend to the aftertaste

Yes, meals will be longer but healthier and much more enjoyable.

What are your thoughts? Do you already eat mindfully, or will you try this plan? Let me know at [email protected].