Looking at old movies and tapes

Dr K's Blog

October 20, 2020
For the past several weeks I have been looking at old movies and tapes of myself and my family. While some of these are sad as some family members are no longer here, I have learned a lot about myself and my family. Looking at these images, I remember who I was, how I have changed over the years, and how I got to be who I am. I no longer see my parents through the eyes of a child but through the eyes of an adult who is actually now older than they were in the films. I can see how much I am like them and how I am different. I also have seen my now adult children as they were when they were young.

These memories have brought back feelings of joy but also tears. My children’s’ childhoods were so fleeting and seem to have passed in the blink of an eye. I wanted to hold on to those years when life was much simpler. Today, we are caught up in so many worries and focused on daily events that we often forget who we were as we are just trying to get by. I have also realized that as I get older, my parents have gotten smarter.

I am glad that I have these recorded memories from the past. I have learned a lot from them. I encourage you to look at your pictures, tapes, and movies from many years ago to see who you were and who you became.