e-Letters and Dr. K's Blogs

Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. and Associates publishes a monthly e-Letter dealing with various psychological topics of interest. 

If you wish to receive future e-Letters, please subscribe by sending us an email requesting that we add you to our mailing list.

Do You Self-Sabotage?

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates                   …

June 21, 2023 – New York City


May 20, 2023 – Up In The Air!

A few weeks ago, I went to the annual Air and Sea Show which is held at Fort Lauderdale Beach. I decided …

The Epidemic of Loneliness!

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates                   …

Understanding Respect!

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates                   …

April 21, 2023 – Media News Reporting!

This month’s blog was actually written 5 years ago for the Januray 2018 e-Letter. I am reposting it here since the situation …

The Importance of Napping!

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates                   …

March 22, 2023 Achievement

An achievement is defined as a great accomplishment, something that has been achieved with great effort or skill. It usually implies the …

Fifth Anniversary of MSD!

Last week was the fifth anniversary of the shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School. These are excerpts and pictures from my e-Letter …

Overcoming Loneliness!

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates                   …

The Value of Relationships!

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates                   …

January 21, 2023 – Air Boating

Last week I did something so Floridian. My family and I took an airboat ride in Everglades National Park. Last time I …