e-Letters and Dr. K's Blogs

Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. and Associates publishes a monthly e-Letter dealing with various psychological topics of interest. 

If you wish to receive future e-Letters, please subscribe by sending us an email requesting that we add you to our mailing list.

Living with this pandemic

September 20, 2020 While each day seems long, the weeks and months seem to fly by. It is hard to believe that …

Coping With Loneliness In The Time Of Corona!

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates Volume 15, Number 8           …

In-person funeral

August 20, 2020 Recently, I attended an in-person funeral at a local cemetery. Nearby was the grave of one of the kids …

Coping With Anxiety In The Time Of Corona!


Patients who wanted to be seen in person

July 20, 2020 After being out of the office for several months, I returned last week to conduct therapy with several patients …

Relationship Tips In The Time Of Corona!

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates Volume 15, Number 6           …

Had to turn the news off.

June 20, 2020 I have had to turn the news off. Not that I wanted to but I found myself becoming quite …

Has Covid 19 Lowered Your IQ?

The Covid 19 virus has not been reported to lower your IQ. However, being quarantined and the resultant fatigue can affect you intellectually. Quarantining at home can be very difficult. It is boring, stressful, exhausting, and conflictual.

Memorial Day

May 20, 2020 Next week is Memorial Day and this day will be quite different. The unofficial start of the summer is …

Time To Reboot? The Home Office Syndrome!

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates Volume 15, Number 4           …

The nicest things about the pandemic

April 21, 2020 One of the nicest things about the pandemic, if there is anything nice about it, is hearing from old …

Resilience In The Time Of Coronavirus!

An Electronic Mental Health Newsletter from Joel I. Kimmel, Ph.D., P.A. & Associates Volume 15, Number 3           …